
“The foot zone has changed my life for the better. My instructors were very thorough and knowledgeable about foot zoning. Not only did I learn the important skill of foot zoning to balance and help others, the classes also helped me find many spiritual gifts that I had no idea were inside of me. Jac and Jeri helped me to trust what my intuition was telling me. They are loving and very in tune teachers. I am so grateful I took this course.” 

—Christy Bodily


I had the opportunity to take a foot zoning class in the spring of 2016. I learned so much in the months during this course. I can literally say that foot zoning changed my life. I found myself on a path of awakening spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. I am a better person for this experience. My instructors loved and accepted me for whom I was, and helped me see who I could become. I learned so much about the body and how it works and about energy and how powerful it is. I was guided in ways to gently move energy through the feet for the betterment of others. Jeri and Jaclyn taught, encouraged, listened and appreciated me for where I was on my Foot Zoning journey. I now have my own Foot Zoning business that I love. I highly recommend these ladies and their Foot Zoning class.

—Barb Westfall


I learned so many things from taking this class. Jeri and Jac helped me to amplify my gifts. They are very knowledgeable and have studied in-depth about different modalities to help other people. Foot zoning has changed my life forever and helped me with some of my own struggles, to become the better me. The classes are also fun to attend, the dynamic of these teachers and gifts they bring are amazing. I would take the class over and over again. It makes you think outside the box and you will be able to use the foot zone for the rest of your life. 

—Brianna Wheeler


Learning the foot zone has literally been life changing! I cannot imagine learning it from anyone except Jeri and Jaclyn. Their passion for teaching others not only proper foot zone technique, but to also follow each person’s unique gifting in the zone is so empowering and healing. They have taught me to embrace as gifts what I once thought were weaknesses. They taught me to trust the foot zone and myself. Through these classes I have come to understand how every emotion and situation has its own frequency. We can often bury emotions deep within us and they can literally make us sick. Jaclyn’s book, ‘M: Collaborations with the Divine Doctor’ opened my eyes and has helped me to see things that I was still carrying that I thought I had gotten rid of and how they were still effecting my body, soul, and spirit.  I learned how to release them on my own and to help others release them through the foot zone.

I found out I was pregnant shortly after starting foot zoning classes and was consistently getting zoned once a month, which helped with morning sickness. At my 20-week ultrasound, I found out that my son had Down syndrome. It was suggested to me to start getting a foot zone every week until I had the baby; it would help with my pregnancy and his development as well. Every week during my foot zone we would focus on the areas of development that are common issues found with Down syndrome. We concentrated on his brain signals, thyroid, heart, digestive tract, reproductive organs, etc. I started speaking to and praying over my baby the things I was expecting and desiring to see happen with and in him. I went into labor at 31 weeks (early labor can be common with Downs), but throughout labor, delivery, and an almost 8 week stay in the NICU, my son FAR exceeded expectations of the doctors. Not only was he very healthy, he was advanced in everything far above most babies born at his gestation. The doctors said that babies with Downs tend to be later learning to take their food by mouth, so he would most likely not leave the NICU until at LEAST his due date, or very likely up to 2 weeks later. Well, not my kid!

Long Story short, the doctors said he was ranging in the 98th percentile for cognitive and physical development for babies his gestational age. And he left the NICU 10 days before his due date!! He is thriving and meeting all his developmental milestones early or on time. I truly believe that the foot zone and prayer made all the difference for him. Jeri and Jaclyn helped me to build my faith in God and trust this super cool built-in healing system that He put on our feet that correlates to every system in the body. There is an amazing way to activate this healing system, and that is through the foot zone!

—Amy Fine


Learning the foot zone was life-changing for me. It gave me back my identity as a person. Before I had kind of lost myself in being a wife and mother. Taking the class opened me up to a whole world of learning that I never considered before. Foot zoning gave me the tools to help my husband, children and friends with various health issues. I made amazing life long connections with my fellow students and instructors. The classes were so amazing. I really missed not going to them anymore when I graduated. Jeri and Jaclyn made every student feel appreciated and respected. They helped me to find out what my gifts were when I was so oblivious to the fact that I had any. They helped me to trust my intuition and helped me learn how to feel energy. They taught me about energy healing.

The foot zone has helped me improve my health, not only when I get zoned, but I also find relief from pain by zoning others. I have really figured out how to be compassionate and how to serve others through becoming a foot zone therapist. I used to think I was done with learning. This class has made me want to never stop learning.

—Brinda Chiddix


Learning the foot zoning technique has helped me in so many ways. I am able to tend to the individual needs of my family members. Through the classes I learned to be more confident in myself, identify my unique talents, how to expand on them, and use them during the foot zone.  Jeri and Jaclyn Taylor are intuitive instructors and are devoted to learning more about the foot zone. They understand how to help each student with what they need. They helped me find my talents and encouraged me to expand on them. I am very thankful for the time and effort they put into teaching me!

—Jan Pancheri


I am so happy that I decided to learn this great skill. The foot zone has helped me in so many ways. I have been able to help others with their pain, anxiety and so much more. My favorite part is when someone calls me after a foot zone and says they feel like a new person. Jeri and Jac made learning the foot zone so simple and interesting. I can’t say enough good things about my experience learning and now practicing foot zoning. It has been a life changer for my family and me.

—Priscilla Lazalde-Smith
