About Us

Jaclyn Taylor

Jac is the author of “M: Collaborations with the Divine Doctor,” a book designed to help people release emotions via frequency equations (or “doses of enlightenment”) and to learn how to repair their relationships with their bodies, which opens them up to greater levels of healing, health and happiness. She is a licensed massage therapist, foot zone therapist, craniosacral therapist, and intuitive energy practitioner who also enjoys learning about and working with emotional release methods, meridians, acupressure points, and aura space. She finds great satisfaction in instructing foot zoning classes and is excited to finally be starting a new foot zoning school with her mom and business partner, Jeri Taylor. She is passionate about graphic design, writing, photography, music, health and fitness, teaching, learning and finding new and effective ways to do things.

Jeri Taylor

When Jeri was introduced to the wonderful world of healing arts, it quickly became a part of her life. She received her foot zone certificate from WeDoFeet Seminars in 2009 and loves to help her clients heal through the foot zone, emotional release techniques, synergetic healing and energy work. She has been a foot zone instructor for the last seven years for WeDoFeet Seminars and enjoys teaching with her daughter and business partner, Jaclyn Taylor. Jeri and Jac have now started their own foot zoning school!

Jeri’s mission in life is also her passion, which is all about making a difference in the lives of the wonderful people that God has placed in her path by showing love, grace and gratitude. The heart of her work is to motivate, encourage and inspire. Her greatest desire is for God’s children to know and understand the power of their thoughts. When thoughts are transformed, change is inevitable and accompanied with faith, healing is possible on many different levels.